Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Digital moving pictures

This is so cool -- the cover of Esquire's October issue is going to be made of electronic paper and the words and pictures will move! I can't wait to see it in SBN -- as a friend said: "You know what is really amazing about this... to date, the thought has been "Books will move to computers", now it looks like "computers will move to books"!!!"

OMGosh! I missed a week

Hey! I was busy! I got a big rock for my birthday and we had it drilled so it is a fountain. I love my fountain!!! The wall and garden are a work in process.

Libraries connect communities

ALA has posted their latest Public Library Funding and Technology Study at

Some great stuff in here -- nothing particularly new but it confirms our experience e.g. 82.5% of responding libraries report that they have too few computers to meet public demand some or all of the time. (p. 29) There's lots of great data here and I love that! :-)